Improve your writing by revisiting past projects

Yesterday, I did something I never could have anticipated. When I hit a point in my current writing project where I felt stuck and stilted, I dug out a piece I put to bed a few weeks ago. I reread it.

It bolstered me. I felt awe in the creative process and appreciation in my ability to write what I meant to write. And then I wrote, wrote, wrote fueled by the proof that yes, I can do this. I've done it before. I'll do it again, and now.

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Where are you in your writing?

For the last six months, I've committed myself to a running practice. It's an evolution, as is any new practice, and I read today how new runners should start where they are instead of looking at the end goal — say, running a marathon. Creatives are so hard on and expect so much out of themselves, wanting to publish their first novel before they've written a word. What would it feel like if instead, you took only today, and focused on making time for writing instead of finding time?

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Enjoy writing again, without bribing yourself

Sometimes, no matter what we try, we can't get to our desks to write. Or if we do get there, the writing doesn't come. I hope we can be in this thing together, helping ourselves back to a place where we can do and enjoy the work without fearing it or tempting it with bribes. I've stopped expecting writing to look a certain way because our writing lives change over time, and it's time to embrace that cycle.

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