Ready to query


You’ve written your manuscript and edited it yourself. Again and again.

Your sweet friends and writing group have read it and shared their feedback.

You’ve hired a professional editor to get it into tip-top shape.

Now you’re ready. Oh, boy, are you ever ready for that agent.

I can help with this! Literary agents require a perfectly written query letter that introduces them to your book, to you, and helps them understand why they are the right person to represent it. If the query letter is compelling enough, they’ll also request a book synopsis.

This can be overwhelming for a writer who’s already done the damn work and written the flipping thing.

This is where I come in.

This is right for you if:

  • You’ve completely finished writing your book and it’s been edited by someone who isn’t you.

  • You’re ready to hand off the book to a literary agent who will manage its sale and marketing.

  • You’ve been sending query letters to agents yet not getting the response you’d hoped.

If you’re ready to arm yourself with query materials and land an agent:

Freelance editor Katie Lewis

You’ll notice that the only way to reach me is by email instead of directly purchasing packages online. That’s because I feel there’s tons of value in having a conversation first about your project’s goals: I get a feel for your voice, you get a feel for mine, and then we decide to be friends forever.

Sound good? Hit that button above, and let’s get to it!